"Jimbo" <jim_mk@nospamhotmail.com> wrote in message
> "jacqui" <jacqui@stillathome.net> wrote in message
> news:27udneYvhOA9vTqiU-KYhA@is.co.za...
> >
> > "Geoff Bateman" <ben2@bigpond.com> wrote in message
> > news:Rafpb.176024$bo1.83482@news-server.bigpond.net.au...
> > >
> > > No posts!!
> > > Do you two people realize that in not posting a word or two, the
chance of
> > > establishing a new record for the longest thread is kaput!
> >
> >
> > Aw!! Gee whizzz. That's the worst news I've heard for yonks!!!! But
what has happened to the hero
> > that wanted to discuss intimate things with me???
> >
> > However, part of this is my own fault. I had a computer problem, and
lost all my mail and NG
> > contents. Still don't know what happened. Managed to get back again,
but it tells me thee are 60
> > messages in this newsgroup, and I only get 3!! Is Jimbo blocking my
outside communication
> > capability?? Is he jealous??
> >
> Hello again.  I've been travelling to foreign parts but I'm back.
So you told me, so that part I can vouch for.

> I certainly would not block your communications even if I knew how..
But you have reminded me of a
> very old joke.
> A man is walking across a very narrow bridge and there is a woman
walking towards him.  There just
> wasn't enough room for two people to pass on the bridge.  So he had to
decide whether to block her
> passage or toss himself off.
> I know what I would have done.

Jumped over the bridge and let her pass, 'cause she wasn't me? You could
have blocked my passage, then we could have a nice chat!!
> And as for intimate things.  Let's see... well I'm a bit of an amateur
photographer and a magazine here
> is running a competition where the theme is "cold".  And my idea is an
extreme close up of a very
> cold, very erect, female nipple.  So the thing is Jacqui, I need a
model if you're interested.
> And assuming your nipples are up to the job.

Oooh yes - they will do quite nicely. And you won't even need ice.
> I can supply some ice cubes.  If they don't work I think some tweaking
and nibbling would help.
> Would certainly help me anyway.

Yes, the tweaking and nibbling bit sounds quite good.
> I don't want Geoff to feel left out.  Perhaps he could erect the

Don't let anybody ever accuse you of not being a gentleman!!  :>))))