kuno@gssm.otsuka.tsukuba.ac.jp wrote:

#  お相手して下さってる久野さんもですが。



>   何と何が載ってましたか。

  A lit cigarette is carried at the height of a child's face.

  Some people throw trash in the street.
  Other people have to clean it up.

  The cigarette butts are always more noticeable when I'm walking my dog.

  Smoke is billowing from a stand ashtray.
  If it were myhome, I wouldn't be so calm.

  The cool cowboy flicks his cigarette butt into the street.
  But he lives in an old movie.

  My cigarettes smell good. Other people's smell bad.

  I don't smoke in crowd...
  but how many people does it take to make a crowd ?
# これ、絵が傑作で、1人の絵にONE、2人の絵にCROWD、6人の絵にCROWD…
# って感じでコメントがついてます。

  A free portable ashtray is as easy to carry as a mobile phone.
  So why don't I use one ?

  The fire disappers beneath his shoe.
  Unfortunately, the butt still remains.
##  Unfortunately ってのが、ものすごい面白い。日本語も
## 「残念なことに吸いがらまでは消えない」とか書いて欲しかった。

  Don't smoke in a crowd. Coats are expensive.
# 人のコートに穴を開けても無視して去っていく喫煙者の絵が
# 描かれています。

  Before passing pas I look behind me.
  But I don't bother when I'm smoking.

  Would you throw that cigarette butt on the ground
  if people were watching you ?
#  sneak(卑劣な人) が tabacco を dump してます。
## 日本語の方が皮肉が効いてて好きです(笑)

  I threw my cigarette butt into the drain.
  That is to say, I hid it in the drain.

  You tossed your cigarette out the window.
  You looked like you were fleeing the scene of a crime.
## これ、日本語と英語でニュアンスは違いますが、非常に
## いいですね、どちらも。

  The sparks blew off. Luckily, they were stopped by my sleeve.

  When someone walks a step away from me,
  maybe it's a silent compaint about the cigarette in my hand.
## 喫煙者に「周りの人の行動をよく見ろ」って言ってるようで
## いいです。

  A portable astray is not a license to smoke anywhere you please.

  I carry a 700 degrees centigrade(度C) fire in my hand
  with people walking all around me.

  When I bumped into someone, I apologized.
  When my smoke hit your face, I said nothing.

#  全部集めたら、JTから褒美がでないかな。

