Kevin Wayne Williams wrote:
> A legitimate cheeseburger is made out of 100% pure beef, without fillers 
> or additives. It is char-broiled, and salted lightly only after the 
> initial skin has formed from the heat. After cooking to rare or medium 
> rare, excess grease is pressed out with the spatula, and it is then 
> topped with a slice of Colby, cheddar, or Monterey Jack cheese, an 
> onion, a slice of lettuce, and a tomato.

Unless you are involved in the killing, butchering and subsequent
grinding of the beef, and can vouch for the cleanliness and lack of
brain/spinal cordage in the results, I'd be pretty wary of eating any "rare" or
"medium rare" ground beef.

Eating rare ground beef from commercial slaughterhouses sounds like a
nice way to start growing your own colony of E. Coli, giving mad cow
disease a fighting chance and so on.
