<declan_murphy@hotmail.com> wrote:

> > > I thought it was still 250,000/month.
> >
> > I thought it had been raised recently... or is it just that I got a
> > "raise" from my paper sponsor last time I applied?
> I sponsored 2 new employees a fortnight ago, so I hope it is still 25.
> Perhaps it is different in Tokyo - I'll ask tomorrow. Why do you still
> need your sponsor? Don't you have PR or a toushikeiei status?

Long-term resident, which seems to be an orphaned status now. Every time
I renew, they ask why I don't go for PR, but I don't see much point in

Uh... Should I know what's a "toushikeiei"?

                   Louise Bremner (log at gol dot com)
   If you want a reply by e-mail, don't write to my Yahoo address!