107 | 2005/06/15 | Ken Kutaragi on PS3 backwards compatibility - pimps Nvidia - talks trash about XB 360 | |
106 | 2005/06/13 | Re: Ken Kutaragi compares Xbox 360 to 3DO | Zomoniac <the_proper_one@hotmail.com> |
105 | 2005/06/13 | interview of Sony's Ken Kutaragi on: PS3, Nvidia, graphics, eDram, more | |
104 | 2005/06/11 | Re: Full Interview | Doug Jacobs <djacobs@shell.rawbw.com> |
103 | 2005/06/10 | Re: Xbox 360: Final Fantasy 11 team working on new next-gen MMORPG | wolfing1@yahoo.com |
101 | 2005/06/10 | Re: Sony running out of PS3 development kits | "Android" <androvich@NOcomcastSPAM.net> |
100 | 2005/06/10 | Re: Ken Kutaragi compares Xbox 360 to 3DO | "carrajo" <carrajo@hotmail.com> |
99 | 2005/06/10 | Re: IBM thought Ken Kutaragi was OUT OF HIS MIND wanting PS3-Cell to be 1,000 times PS2 Emotion Engine performance | "Leon Dexter" <leondexterNOSPAM@earthlink.net> |
98 | 2005/06/10 | Re: Sony running out of PS3 development kits | "xTenn" <xTennRemovePart@tds.net> |
97 | 2005/06/10 | Re: Sony: Blu-Ray~HD-DVD deal is DEAD. as far as PlayStation3 | RichA <none@none.com> |
96 | 2005/06/10 | IBM thought Ken Kutaragi was OUT OF HIS MIND wanting PS3-Cell to be 1,000 times PS2 Emotion Engine performance | |
95 | 2005/06/10 | Re: Full Interview (was: Ken Kutaragi compares Xbox 360 to 3DO) | "Aquila" <Aquila@Aquila.net> |