278 | 2017/04/16 | Re: Another AIOE forging asshole left-wing piece of shit | "x" <x@x.com> |
276 | 2017/02/06 | キングジョー(Re: 独立!特捜戦隊デカレンジャー第18話のツッコミ!!) | SAWAKI Takayuki <tx_sawaki@yahoo.co.jp> |
275 | 2015/12/24 | Re: みなさんの好きな怪獣何ですか? | SAWAKI Takayuki <tx_sawaki@yahoo.co.jp> |
274 | 2015/11/06 | Former co-workers say black mentally ill homosexual racist prostitute Obama voter Vester Flanagan had problems with work, anger, racism | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-cunts@msnbc.com> |
273 | 2015/11/06 | Black fag Vester Lee Flanagan complained about his lack of sex and lamented how age had ended his 'glory days' as a $2, 000-a-night prostitute in suicide letter | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
272 | 2015/11/05 | Vester Lee Flanagan, cuckoo black faggot, racist shooter of two white television journalists | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
271 | 2015/11/05 | Why isn't Obama claiming his mass shooter black sons are innocent like he did Trayvon? | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
270 | 2015/11/05 | Black Homosexual Liberal Bigot Vester Flanagan Threatened Coworkers, Played the Race Card for Years | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
269 | 2015/11/05 | EDITORIAL - New York Daily News Hoplophobic Faggots, "All-American insanity: Vester Flanagan, aka Bryce Williams, ... | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
268 | 2015/11/05 | Black mentally ill homosexual racist gunman Vester Flanagan's personnel files reveal disturbing WDBJ tenure | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
267 | 2015/11/05 | Here it comes, stupid left-wing father blames handgun for dead daughter instead of the deranged black faggot pulling the trigger. | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
266 | 2015/11/05 | Virginia black queer shooting tragedy: pro-faggot nanny Britons DEMAND America re-thinks gun control laws on Twitter | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
265 | 2015/11/05 | Vester Lee Flanagan: Black (Univ of San Fran) Fag Virginia 'shooter' appears to post videos on Twitter and Facebook of moment he killed two WDBJ journalists | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
264 | 2015/11/05 | Crazed black homosexual Virginia shooter Vester Lee Flanagan thought office WATERMELON was racist | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
263 | 2015/11/05 | Gay porn sites registered to black Virginia homosexual racist shooter | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
262 | 2015/11/05 | Moron democrat Sen. Tim Kaine Pushing Bill To Make 'Gun Sellers' Criminally Liable For Misuse Of Guns | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
261 | 2015/11/05 | Liberal Democrat Black Homosexual Bigot Hypocrit Found Racism In Common Phrases | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
260 | 2015/11/05 | Why is Barack Obama silent about his black gay racist son Bryce Williams aka Vester Lee Flanagan? | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
259 | 2015/11/05 | Virginia journalists killed on-air by mentally ill racist black faggot 'much more than what you saw on TV' | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
258 | 2015/11/05 | Disney fag network ABC News Has Yet to Release Full Suicide Note of black racist fag killer Vester Lee Flanagan | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
257 | 2015/11/05 | Mentally ill pro-homosexual Obama white house says Virginia TV shooting points to need for gun control | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-cunts@msnbc.com> |
256 | 2015/11/05 | WDBJ slayings: Black mentally ill homosexual racist killer fired 17 rounds, identified with 9/11 attackers, police say | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
255 | 2015/11/05 | Vester Flanagan chase: BBC journalists covering WDBJ black homosexual bigoted racist shooting 'threatened by Virginia police' | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
254 | 2015/11/05 | Vester Lee Flanagan, sick black gay racist shooter was a homosexual prostitute - and proud of it. | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
253 | 2015/11/05 | How black racist queer Vester Lee Flanagan Went from Escort to Anchor to On-Air Shooter | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
252 | 2015/11/05 | Yes, Mentally Ill Racist Gay Black Men Can Be Killers, Too | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
251 | 2015/11/05 | Crazed Black Homosexual Racist Virginia Shooter, Vester Lee Flanagan, Has Died | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
250 | 2015/11/05 | Black mentally ill homosexual racist kills two white people, racist Obama cites "climate change". | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
249 | 2015/11/05 | Black racist homosexual misogynist Bryce Williams sued another station for racism before he murdered two white people in cold blood. | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-cunts@msnbc.com> |
248 | 2015/11/05 | Vester Lee Flanagan: Can a Racist Gay Black Faggot Commit a Hate Crime? | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
247 | 2015/11/05 | People Ain't Isht: Autopsy Photo Of VA TV Shooter black faggot Vester Flanagan Being Shopped To Highest Bidder | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
246 | 2015/11/05 | Mentally ill black homosexual racist prostitute in On-Air Shooting Dies From Self-Inflicted Wound | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
245 | 2015/11/05 | TV shooting by BLACK QUEER RACIST PROSTITUTE leaves two dead | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-cunts@msnbc.com> |
244 | 2015/11/05 | Hey! What happened to that black faggot murdering TV reporter story? | "Liberal Coverups" <fag.murders@abc.com> |
243 | 2015/11/05 | PORTRAIT OF EVIL: VESTER LEE FLANAGAN! BLACK RACIST HOMOSEXUAL MURDERER, OBAMA'S SON! | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
242 | 2015/11/05 | Virginia TV journalists killed by mentally ill racist black SAN FRANCISCO fag with 'powder keg' of anger | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
241 | 2015/11/05 | Alison Parker and Adam Ward, Slain Virginia Reporter and Cameraman, 'Did Great Work Every Day'. Black faggot killed them. | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
240 | 2015/11/05 | Scheming hypocrit father of (nutty black homosexual) slain WDBJ-TV reporter Alison Parker says he may get gun after attacking NRA on gun control | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
239 | 2015/11/05 | Black Homosexual Prostitute Racist NUT in On-Air Shooting Dies From Self-Inflicted Wound | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
238 | 2015/11/05 | Who was black mentally ill homosexual racist prostitute killer Bryce Williams/Vester Flanagan? | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
237 | 2015/11/05 | Virginia sociopath black homosexual gunman 'road rage' video shows crazed rant just weeks before shooting | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
236 | 2015/11/05 | Vester Lee Flanagan: Inside the home of black queer gunman Bryce Williams where he prepared for murder | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
235 | 2015/11/05 | After Shooting, GAY BLACK RACIST PROSTITUTE Gunman Details Grievances in 'Suicide Notes' | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
234 | 2015/11/04 | What We Know About nutjob black faggot prostitute racist shooter Vester Lee Flanagan in Virginia On-Air Shooting | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-cunts@msnbc.com> |
233 | 2015/11/04 | Mentally unstable racist queer Bryce Williams fatally shoots self after killing journalists on air | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
232 | 2015/11/04 | Documents Show mentally ill negro queer Vester Lee Flanagan's Turbulent Tenure at TV Station Before Virginia Shooting | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
231 | 2015/11/04 | Two WDBJ7 employees shot and killed; nutty wack job black homosexual racist shooter kills himself | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
230 | 2015/11/04 | The comments that became a reporter's death sentence | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
229 | 2015/11/04 | Hawaii official, former news director of WDBJ, describes firing unhinged black racist queer Virginia shooter | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
228 | 2011/12/23 | ウルトラマンアート展(Re: 青森県立美術館の看板(Re: 成田亨氏、死去)) | Sawaki Takayuki <tx_sawaki@yahoo.co.jp> |