BRITS have called for America to reconsider the gun control laws 
immediately after the Virginia shooting tragedy this afternoon.

The gunman - named the suspect as Vester Lee Flanagan II - shot 
dead a reporter and cameraman during a live US television 
breakfast interview.

Taking to Twitter to discuss the tragedy, it would seem Brits 
are urging America to re-think how they see guns in the wake of 
the deaths.

Currently, gun laws in the US work to regulate the sale, 
possession, and use of firearms and ammunition - but is it 

One Twitter user took to the social network to say: "I guess 
it's still too soon to have that talk on gun control, right 

Another added: "Two people in America were shot down on LIVE 
TELEVISION and yet stricter gun control is considered a 'breach 
of freedom'."


KarlPeterson12 days ago
We can't accept gun ignorance. flash....the shooters 
gun was bought legally. No laws would have prevented it.
Reply 0

KarlPeterson12 days ago
We got rid of you in 1776....try addressing your knife problem 
and stay the hell out of our business.
Reply 0

Spartan Man 513 days ago
Gun ownership is not the problem, but American societal problems 
is. Many other countries allow gun ownership, including 
Switzerland, Serbia and Finland, yet they have nowhere near the 
same problem. If you insist on having a rat-race society, don't 
be surprised when the rats turn on each other. Guns are 
permitted by the US Constitution so that the citizens can defend 
themselves against tyrannical governments. Unfortunately, here 
in the UK and many other European countries, guns are outlawed, 
thus allowing our governments to trample on our own right to not 
be taken over by foreign rule and Islam, and our ability to 
fight against it.
Reply +1

Davey Boy113 days ago
USA laws are not our problem or issue. - Getting out of the EU is
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IvorBalco13 days ago
Every hour of every day, hundreds of millions of gun owners in 
the USA prove guns don't kill people, murderers do.
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Junglecat0313 days ago
Not everyone with a gun murders people, therefore widespread gun 
ownership is safe. How ridiculous. By the same rationale, you 
could let 6 yr olds drive cars and as long as one survives, 
lower the driving age to 6.

In fact every hour of every day, the statistics show, there is 
an undeniable correlation between ownership of guns and gun-
related deaths. To argue otherwise is to deny the evidence.

This article however is click-bait, designed to rile americans 
as they are "getting told" what to do by those pompous brits. Of 
course it is not our place to demand tighter gun controls in the 
US. We can only offer intelligent debate and let you do with it 
what you will.

Let's hope you see sense.
Reply -1

Rothay13 days ago
Daily Express butt out of American affairs, please. You are 
doing a lousy job with the EU referendum, and sometimes appear t 
be running with the hair and hunting with the hounds. Not all 
the money of your good owner could help the UKIP; Get off your 
arses and do something for Britain. We in the US are okay thank 
you very much.
Reply +1

Yemil13 days ago
I am a Brit that has lived in America for more than half my 
lifetime. Once upon a time I was appalled by the gun violence 
over here but now I just feel numb when Americans are killed by 
Americans.If terrorists killed Americans like they kill each 
other the US would be so appalled there would be many more wars 
than there are already but if they don't really care about their 
kids or each other why should I care ? Americans just can't 
tolerate any criticism about guns because too many of them are 
firmly ruled by the NRA. My suggestion would be just to let them 
have the country they deserve and stay quiet about it which is 
probably what I should have done in this case as well.
Reply +3

Susie113 days ago
oops sorry for the misspelled word:)
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Susie113 days ago
There are many Americans fighting to get gun control but dealing 
with idols is a way of life in America now a days. When the 
Constitution was written we had fought a war to be free and 
determine our future. Our forefathers wanted us to be able to 
bear arms for use against an invasion of people who would 
control us,not the right to handguns which have no real use 
other than to KILL or AK47's! I'm ashamed of my country for the 
use of power and money that knocks common sense out of anything 
in the words our founders wrote!
Reply +3

Rothay13 days ago
Question for all the British nosey parkers - are you as 
passionate at what is happening in Calais? Dunkirk? Are you as 
worried as many on this forum appear to be or is it a pretence?

Has Cameron's victory lap after the last elections got you all 
so dumbed down that you are more concerned and hell fire 
passionate about what happened in Virginia, USA?

Believe t, the Americans could care less about your hordes of 
Muslims taking over your country. So, please, lay off the guns 
crap. You all look ridiculous.

Calais is going nuts. Dunkirk is following. there are hordes in 
the Balkans headed your way and you worry about a black 
homosexual 3,000 miles away?

Little wonder that Cameron, Westminster, the Labour Party, Tony 
Blair, the BBC, your "Establishmemt," and the African migrants 
are running rings around you.

Get your priorities straight for pity's sake!

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Mike Spilligan13 days ago
peanut: This forum is open to anyone - and what Rothay says may 
sound intemperate, but it's good sense for their nation. Who are 
these Brits poking their noses into US affairs? One is a so-
called "comedian" - I may be wrong, but I'm not a TV watcher - 
therefore I'm better informed than most.
Reply +1

Birdmaniw13 days ago
Guns should be banned in the USA.
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Rothay13 days ago
Better to say Muslims and their iihadists should be banned in 
Britain. You are an accident waiting to happen.
Reply 1 reply+2

Birdmaniw13 days ago
What has your comment got to do with banning guns in the USA?
Reply +1

Illegal alien muslim Barack Hussein Obama seizes on this tragedy 
caused by one of his mentally ill homosexual, black ardent 
supporters, to wave the flags for more gun control.