270 | 2015/11/05 | Black Homosexual Liberal Bigot Vester Flanagan Threatened Coworkers, Played the Race Card for Years | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
269 | 2015/11/05 | EDITORIAL - New York Daily News Hoplophobic Faggots, "All-American insanity: Vester Flanagan, aka Bryce Williams, ... | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
268 | 2015/11/05 | Black mentally ill homosexual racist gunman Vester Flanagan's personnel files reveal disturbing WDBJ tenure | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
267 | 2015/11/05 | Here it comes, stupid left-wing father blames handgun for dead daughter instead of the deranged black faggot pulling the trigger. | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
266 | 2015/11/05 | Virginia black queer shooting tragedy: pro-faggot nanny Britons DEMAND America re-thinks gun control laws on Twitter | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
265 | 2015/11/05 | Vester Lee Flanagan: Black (Univ of San Fran) Fag Virginia 'shooter' appears to post videos on Twitter and Facebook of moment he killed two WDBJ journalists | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |
264 | 2015/11/05 | Crazed black homosexual Virginia shooter Vester Lee Flanagan thought office WATERMELON was racist | "Truth In Media Reporting" <lying-pricks@msnbc.com> |