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28882007/09/13 "news3.fido7.ru" <wowa@vtelecom.ru>
28872007/09/01154 Pedophile Warning 15"Tor" <email2@tor.id.au>
28812007/08/04C.H.E.A.P....M.A.R.L.B.O.R.O....C.I.G.A.R.E.T.T.E.S......halfwit@netzero.net (Captain Margaret F. Flint)
28802007/08/01Are You Tired Of Making Your Boss Rich?Mark Gross<MarkGross@agelistheone.com>
28792007/07/29C.H.E.A.P....C.I.G.A.R.E.T.T.E.S....D.E.L.I.V.E.R.Y...T.O...A.L.L...C.O.U.N.T.R.Y.E.S...rosalindRicky <queer@yahoo.ca>
28772007/07/01(IVIVAN VALAREZO <valarezo7@hotmail.com>
28762007/06/17China continues to sell garbage ATVs to the USA injuring / KILLING our kids!Anonymous <nobody@nowhere.example>
28752007/06/06Re: Rape of Nanking!!!!!!! the Chinese-bitter ankloMohammed the Holy Fucker <Moonyonjet@gmail.com>
28742007/06/06Re: Rape of Nanking!!!!!!! the Chinese-bitter ankloRonald Moshki <sector_fart@yahoo.com>
28732007/06/05Re: Rape of Nanking!!!!!!! the Chinese-bitter anklo"Chairman Mao says:" <Mao-ze-Dong@prc.com>
28722007/06/05Re: Rape of Nanking!!!!!!! the Chinese-bitter anklo"sha zu Kang(butcher Kang) Fucks Chairman Cat(Mao)" <dick_12345678@hotmail.com>
28712007/06/05Re: Rape of Nanking!!!!!!! the Chinese-bitter anklobitter anko <kaz762@hotmail.com>
28702007/06/05Re: Rape of Nanking!!!!!!! the Chinese-bitter anklothe Fucking Boudha <voivodveak@gmail.com>
28692007/06/05Re: Rape of Nanking!!!!!!! the Chinese-bitter anklo"Chairman Mao says:" <Mao-ze-Dong@prc.com>
28682007/06/04Re: Rape of Nanking!!!!!!! the Chinese-bitter anklo"st. Mary' s Fucking Cunt hole" <veakrin@gmail.com>
28672007/06/04Re: Rape of Nanking!!!!!!! the Chinese-bitter anklolechergod <lechergd@yahoo.com>
28662007/06/04Re: Rape of Nanking!!!!!!! the Chinese-bitter ankloDragon <dragon@newyork.com>
28652007/06/04Re: Rape of Nanking!!!!!!! the Chinese-bitter anklobitter anko <kaz762@hotmail.com>
28642007/06/04Re: Rape of Nanking!!!!!!! the Chinese-bitter ankloMohammed the Holy Fucker <Moonyonjet@gmail.com>
28632007/06/04Re: Rape of Nanking!!!!!!! the Chinese-bitter anklo"Chairman Mao says:" <Mao-ze-Dong@prc.com>
28622007/06/03Re: Rape of Nanking!!!!!!! the Chinese race wants to take over Malaysialechergod <Iechergod@yahoo.com>
28612007/06/03Re: Rape of Nanking!!!!!!! the Chinese race wants to take over Malaysia"st. Mary' s Fucking Cunt hole" <veakrin@gmail.com>
28602007/06/03Re: Rape of Nanking!!!!!!! the Chinese race wants to take over Malaysia"Marcorolla" <macorollansp@wanadoo.fr>
28592007/05/19Re: Rape of Nanking!!!!!!! the Chinese race wants to take over Malaysiathe Cunt of Saint Mary of Nazareth <veakrin@gmail.com>
28582007/05/19Re: Rape of Nanking!!!!!!! the Chinese race wants to take over MalaysiaIra IRa IRA Humperdink MD <markdemer150@hotmail.com>
28572007/05/18Re: Rape of Nanking!!!!!!! the Chinese race wants to take over MalaysiaMohammed the Holy Nabi <Moonyonjet@gmail.com>
28562007/05/17$BlQ9%$(D??$BE*B`5Y6bN;$(D??(B?apple <cornpop.tw@yahoo.com.tw>
28522007/04/21Greetings,Solomoreum@webtv.net (Solomoreum Homepage)

Fnews-list 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <mwe@ccsf.jp>
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