Re: Rape of Nanking!!!!!!! the Chinese-bitter anklo
Chairman Mao says: wrote:
> Can you explain to me why so many hot JP girls flock to Anglo-Saxon guys?
> What reason causes these things?
Because the woman believe that taller man has longer penis. But they
are wrong!
the White people's penis is not longer than Asian's. And because the
white have more fat, their penis looks smaller.
> You can change your aluminum foil lining in your helmet before you answer
> me, if needed.
> "bitter anko" <> wrote in message
> > On 6月4日, 午前11:18, Mohammed the Holy Fucker <>
> > wrote:
> >> the Chinese are falsifying the history of the Nanjing Massacre,
> >> the Japs are also falsifying the history of the Nanjing Massacre .
> >
> > You forgot to mention the Anglo-Saxon Whites are falsifying the
> > history of the Nanjing Massacre together with the Chinese to justify
> > their colonizations of SE Asia.
> >
> > The Anglo-White supremacists and the slavers, colonialists of US,
> > Canada, Australia, New Zealand, UK are falsifying the history of the
> > Nanjing Massacre to create the reason to open the war against Japan
> > that is trying to exclude all those White colonialists from SE Asia.
> >
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <>
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