
$B>r7o$K0lCW$9$k5-;v$N?t(B: 179$B7o(B


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292003/11/19Re: jonas, a fading empireFeyd Tariq al-Nami <gigmyzoh@mybgo.org>
282003/11/15for listening"b0n" <b0n_nospam@wp.pl>
272003/11/1521st Century Schizoid Banduetat@jcom.home.ne.jp (Tatsuo Ueno)
262003/11/08Looking for feedback to my music... 1433glyubj@email.com
252003/10/24$B:yDmE}(BKATOH Yasufumi <karma@prog.club.ne.jp>
242003/10/12LAZY BUMS - DO NOT READ THIS"EverydayWealth.com referral code: YXFP5568" <brchth@aol.com>
232003/10/10Re: fj.rec.music.progressive, blackspot revolutionDaoud al-Shehhi <uhyfwiji@hyndilup.org>
222003/10/09for listening"b0n" <b0n_nospam@wp.pl>
212003/10/04Ebay: Prog and some jazz - auctions ending Sunday eveningTony <tonewalk01@_nospam_btopenworld.com>
202003/09/30Available: Oteri, Levin, Mastelotto, Keneally, Owens, Murphy<letty@NOSPAM.com>
192003/09/18custom guitar / bass transcriptionsdbegelman@aol.com (DBegelman)
182003/09/04FS: cd's continued K-Z"andy papula" <rdnzl@bestweb.net>
172003/09/04FS: cd's, lots of good stuff!"andy papula" <rdnzl@bestweb.net>
162003/09/03FS: cd's, lots of good stuff!"andy papula" <rdnzl@bestweb.net>
152003/09/01http://www.dance-industries.com Do you want to get your tracks online?NBP Unregistered. http://ListSoft.gz.ee"Wim" <Wix@chameleon.be>
142003/07/24(freaky) FS/FA: Rare Vinyl from Personal Collection of Progczar"Plonk!" <progREMOVE_THISczar@stargate.net>
132003/07/21Reborn Records Artist to honor former POW Jessica Lynch"Reborn Records" <o.upwoje@aol.com>
122003/07/18Discounted CDs - Updated List"Paul McRorie" <pem@hi.net>
112003/07/11Eventyr Records Special CD OfferPaolo Frascolla <info@eventyr-records.it>
102003/06/23GLOBUS DVD"ASHERA" <awright@bigpond.net.au>
92003/06/18Advertise your instruments for FREE! for as long as you want"Chris Solis" <50394681@ntlworld.com>
82003/06/14"Space Does Not Care" One-Off Show Tomorrow!!! (Sat)chuckrecs@aol.com (Chuckrecs)
72003/06/09FA: 120 cassette carrying case for your music! Rare item! 2481yrubil@me.net
62003/06/03Trade prog ?."Peter Hallstr$(D??(Bm" <phallstrom@telia.com>
52003/06/01Krautrock."Peter Hallstr$(D??(Bm" <phallstrom@telia.com>

Fnews-list 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <mwe@ccsf.jp>
GnuPG Key ID = ECC8A735
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