1335 | 2009/04/17 | I'm a cannibal and I eat human meat!!! | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1334 | 2009/04/17 | There should be an extra tax for violent video games!!! | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1333 | 2009/04/17 | If your life sucks that badly - can I cook and eat you??? | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1332 | 2009/04/17 | Re: Most evil celebrity??? | Bluuuue Rajah <Bluuuuue@Rajah.> |
1331 | 2009/04/17 | Re: Most evil celebrity??? | MC <copespaz@mapca.inter.net> |
1330 | 2009/04/17 | Re: Most evil celebrity??? | "Alan Ramsey" <alanramsey@windstream.net> |
1329 | 2009/04/17 | Re: Most evil celebrity??? | "rivergirl301@hotmail.com" <rivergirl301@hotmail.com> |
1328 | 2009/04/17 | Re: Can you have sex on a space-shuttle??? | The Rocket Scientist <bill.the.rocket.scientist@gmail.com> |
1327 | 2009/04/17 | Re: Most evil celebrity??? | The Starmaker <starmaker@ix.netcom.com> |
1326 | 2009/04/17 | Re: Cooking human meat!!! | womeneater <rita42@roadrunner.com> |
1325 | 2009/04/17 | Re: Barack Obama will ruin the USA!!! | Abrams1117 <John1117@peoplepc.com> |
1324 | 2009/04/17 | Re: Cooking human meat!!! | Chemo the Clown <andyt@peak.org> |
1323 | 2009/04/17 | Re: Aliens who keep humans as cattle??? | Will in New Haven <bill.reich@taylorandfrancis.com> |
1322 | 2009/04/16 | Re: Most evil celebrity??? | Bluuuue Rajah <Bluuuuue@Rajah.> |
1321 | 2009/04/16 | Re: Can you have sex on a space-shuttle??? | "Alan Erskine" <alan.erskine@bigpond.com> |
1320 | 2009/04/16 | Re: Can you have sex on a space-shuttle??? | "Brian Gaff" <briang1@blueyonder.co.uk> |
1319 | 2009/04/16 | Re: The C64 is much better than the ATARI 800!!! | Angry Dove <what@mail.net> |
1318 | 2009/04/16 | Re: Cooking human meat!!! | womeneater <rita42@roadrunner.com> |
1317 | 2009/04/16 | Re: Cooking human meat!!! | womeneater <rita42@roadrunner.com> |
1316 | 2009/04/16 | Re: Cooking human meat!!! | womeneater <rita42@roadrunner.com> |
1315 | 2009/04/16 | Re: Most evil celebrity??? | MC <copespaz@mapca.inter.net> |
1314 | 2009/04/16 | Re: Aliens who keep humans as cattle??? | djheydt@kithrup.com (Dorothy J Heydt) |
1313 | 2009/04/16 | Re: Most evil celebrity??? | The Starmaker <starmaker@ix.netcom.com> |
1312 | 2009/04/16 | Can you have sex on a space-shuttle??? | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1311 | 2009/04/16 | Need actors for a brutal CANNIBAL movie!!! | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1310 | 2009/04/16 | GOPD wants you to bring atheists back to Christianity!!! | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1309 | 2009/04/16 | The Ninja Turtles are GAY!!! | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1308 | 2009/04/16 | Most evil celebrity??? | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1307 | 2009/04/16 | I'd like to rape Geri Halliwell!!! | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1306 | 2009/04/16 | Aliens who keep humans as cattle??? | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1305 | 2009/04/16 | How does sex-reassignment-surgery work??? | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1304 | 2009/04/16 | Re: The C64 is much better than the ATARI 800!!! | Trevor Holyoak <trevor@holyoak.com> |
1303 | 2009/04/16 | Re: The C64 is much better than the ATARI 800!!! | Andreas Kohlbach <ank@spamfence.net> |
1302 | 2009/04/16 | Re: The C64 is much better than the ATARI 800!!! | commodorejohn@gmail.com |
1301 | 2009/04/16 | Re: How to cook guinea-pigs??? | "marcodbeast" <its@casual.com> |
1300 | 2009/04/16 | Re: The C64 is much better than the ATARI 800!!! | "Vidar Olavesen" <olavese@online.no> |
1299 | 2009/04/16 | Re: The C64 is much better than the ATARI 800!!! | proteanthread <rtdos@rtdos.com> |
1298 | 2009/04/15 | Re: Howard Stern is a NAZI!!! | "lab~rat >:-)" <chase@cheeze.net> |
1297 | 2009/04/15 | Re: Howard Stern is a NAZI!!! | Drumrboy <drumboy@aql.com> |
1296 | 2009/04/15 | Re: Howard Stern is a NAZI!!! | |
1295 | 2009/04/15 | Re: A dog comes in your bed!!! | chardonnay9 <chardonnay9@earthlink.net> |
1294 | 2009/04/15 | Re: is it likely that aliens are sexually compatible to humans??? | Mike Williams <nospam@econym.demon.co.uk> |
1293 | 2009/04/15 | Re: A dog comes in your bed!!! | "Paul E. Schoen" <pstech@smart.net> |
1292 | 2009/04/15 | Re: is it likely that aliens are sexually compatible to humans??? | Howard Brazee <howard@brazee.net> |
1291 | 2009/04/15 | Fairuza Balk comes in your bed!!! | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1290 | 2009/04/15 | Fairuza Balk comes in your bed!!! | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1289 | 2009/04/15 | The C64 is much better than the ATARI 800!!! | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1288 | 2009/04/15 | is it likely that aliens are sexually compatible to humans??? | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1287 | 2009/04/15 | Howard Stern is a NAZI!!! | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |
1286 | 2009/04/15 | A dog comes in your bed!!! | Ben Tuddy <cinema_pigs@yahoo.com> |