On Apr 14, 7:10 am, "realmea...@gmail.com" <realmea...@gmail.com>
> On Apr 14, 4:35 am, Ben Tuddy <cinema_p...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > I'm a cannibal and I like to cook and to eat human meat.
> > I've just butchered a human and the meat is now aging for
> > a few days.
> > Do you have any new recipes that I might try???
> > How would you cook human meat???
> i am available ,
> 31 years old f ,
> haniye.

your profile says that you have not created a file but im hoping that
this message will find you anyway i saw your posting to ted buddy & im
a REAL MALE CANNIBAL i also very much like the equisite tast & flavoer
of human meat especially females which is beyond delicious & knowing
what human meat tasts like both male & female i would also like to be
eaten in the near future.but if you get this message i would like to
cook & eat you in what ever method that you may want so if your
serious AS I AM please contact me at rita42@roadrunner.com