1715 | 2009/05/06 | Old people should not play violent computer games!!! | "Rita B. Flesh" <vintage_manors@yahoo.com> |
1714 | 2009/05/06 | Re: Female cannibal is looking for male and female human meat!!! | "louis2000x@googlemail.com" <louis2000x@googlemail.com> |
1713 | 2009/05/06 | Re: Reply to a Troll (do not read unless you want shit) was Re: Which knife can I use for cutting off a man's cock??? | nurk_fred2002@yahoo.com |
1712 | 2009/05/06 | Re: Reply to a Troll (do not read unless you want shit) was Re: Which knife can I use for cutting off a man's cock??? | LarbGai <larbgai@lycos.com> |
1711 | 2009/05/06 | Re: I shove pencils up my pussy!!! | "Howie" <foxhr@excite.com> |
1710 | 2009/05/06 | SARHT CANNIBALEN KANIBALEN LADYS MMM | Janet 20 <glansrijkbv@gmail.com> |
1709 | 2009/05/05 | Re: How can I program a Strip poker game on the Spectrum??? | Andrew Halliwell <spike1@ponder.sky.com> |
1708 | 2009/05/05 | Re: Female cannibal is looking for male and female human meat!!! | Janet 20 <glansrijkbv@gmail.com> |
1707 | 2009/05/05 | Re: Reply to a Troll (do not read unless you want shit) was Re: Which knife can I use for cutting off a man's cock??? | Chilla <charlesanderson@optushome.com.au> |
1706 | 2009/05/05 | Re: Reply to a Troll (do not read unless you want shit) was Re: Which knife can I use for cutting off a man's cock??? | Chilla <charlesanderson@optushome.com.au> |
1705 | 2009/05/05 | Re: Reply to a Troll (do not read unless you want shit) was Re: Which knife can I use for cutting off a man's cock??? | Krypsis <krypsisREMOVETHIS@optusnet.com.au> |
1704 | 2009/05/05 | Re: Reply to a Troll (do not read unless you want shit) was Re: Which knife can I use for cutting off a man's cock??? | LarbGai <larbgai@lycos.com> |
1703 | 2009/05/05 | Re: How can I program a Strip poker game on the Spectrum??? | "Brian Gaff" <Briang1@blueyonder.co.uk> |
1702 | 2009/05/05 | Reply to a Troll (do not read unless you want shit) was Re: Which knife can I use for cutting off a man's cock??? | Chilla <charlesanderson@optushome.com.au> |
1701 | 2009/05/05 | Re: Which knife can I use for cutting off a man's cock??? | nurk_fred2002@yahoo.com |
1700 | 2009/05/05 | Re: I'm a cannibal woman and I'd like to eat YOU!!! | john.rosino@gmail.com |
1699 | 2009/05/05 | Re: Why are there so many men on Earth??? | William Morse <wdNOSPAmorse@verizonOSPAM.net> |