"westprog" <westprog@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> The Chinese want to sell to the USA, and a weak dollar hinders that. Don't
> expect the Chinese to want anything but what's good for them.


> > We're
> > > also opening up an enormous new market for our own products and
> services.
> >
> > You wish. You obviously don't understand the Chinese.
> > Not that I do either, but I know enough to realise that you have in fact
> > opened up an enormous market for their products whilst they are not
> > very much at all from you and are unlikely to do so in the near future.
> Where are they going to get their computers from?

Matsushita, Sony, and Samsung apparently.
These companies are transfering production wholesale to China according to
some business paper I was skimming the other day.

>The Chinese economy will
> need to import massively to be able to maintain that level of growth.

I'm not claiming to know much about it. All I know is that, for the moment
at least, the figures suggest that they seem to be importing mainly raw
materials and presumably they will learn to make their own computers too.