"Adam Whyte-Settlar" <grawillers@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> "MacHamish" <russj41@concentric.net> wrote in message
> news:8g3cq0tpbp3sfi3iackt4pophbmhpa6ua7@4ax.com...
> > On Thu, 25 Nov 2004 16:36:04 GMT, Vernon North <verno@oyama.bc.ca>
> >
> .
> > >> Lets hope for American's sakes that the central Asian banks continue
> > >> bankroll the US .
> > >Meanwhile US (and other) consumers are busily financing China's future
> > >as a superpower.  Not too smart.
> >
> > On the contrary, it's very smart.   We're showing them the way .
> LOL!
> I don't think the US is 'showing' them anything along those lines these
> days.
> What on earth could they possibly learn from you?!
> The Chinese government just two days ago publicly criticised the
> irresponsibility of the US economic policies whilst their own economy has
> been expanding at about 9% a year for a decade now.
> This action is almost unprecedented (according to NZ radio) and reflects
> International community's growing alarm at the mismanagement of the the US
> economy.

The Chinese want to sell to the USA, and a weak dollar hinders that. Don't
expect the Chinese to want anything but what's good for them.

> We're
> > also opening up an enormous new market for our own products and
> You wish. You obviously don't understand the Chinese.
> Not that I do either, but I know enough to realise that you have in fact
> opened up an enormous market for their products whilst they are not buying
> very much at all from you and are unlikely to do so in the near future.

Where are they going to get their computers from? The Chinese economy will
need to import massively to be able to maintain that level of growth.

> > The decline of the US dollar is a necessary precursor to making our
> > products
> > more competitively priced in the global economy, including China.

> Double edged sword.

I remember when the Punt/Euro was declining against Sterling and the Dollar
much the same arguments were used.


SOTW: "All The Way From Memphis" - Mott The Hoople

Wednesday, 1st December 2004, 8pm National Concert Hall

Tickets: ?20 01 417 0000 info@nch.ie www.nch.ie