Re: Jpn Govt. Pays Out for the Lives of Its Citizens - Was: I've finally figured this puppy out
Declan Murphy wrote:
> Crunch Buttsteak wrote:
>>Heat a hyooge amount of peanut oil up to 375 F or so, drop the turkey
>>in, stand around the boiling oil drinking and watching it bubble, and
>>in 45 minutes or so the turkey will float up to the top. It's ready.
>>It really doesn't soak up a lot of oil. The outside of the turkey
>>develops a sort of crust that seals the juices on the inside. Once
>>you've sliced it, there's no greasiness to suggest that it was fried.
>>Kind of a hassle to set up the burner and fryer and then clean up
>>after you're done (that's why you might want to take the opportunity
>>to cook two or three birds), but the cooking part is a breeze.
> There are two parts to that spiel that I like. The "cooking part is a
> breeze" is of course one bit. The opportunity to stand around drinking
> while watching a pot bubble - and still be able to tell the bride to be
> that I'm actually cooking - is the other. Some nitty gritty details
> required though.
> 1) WTF do I obtain a Turkey? Do I buy one? Shoot one? Club a randomly
> passing Turk to death?
I could mail you one for a fee.
> 2) HTF do I obtain hyooge amounts of peanut oil?
> 3) WTF is 375 F in the local lingo? 190ish?
> 4) How big is a Turkey anyway? How much bigger than a chook or a duck?
A good size turkey is between 8 and 12 kilos of meat. The only safe way
to do this is to use an oil drum of about 200 liter capacity, a hook, a
rope, and a pulley. Hook the rope to the turkey, suspend it with the
pulley, heat the oil, use the pulley to lower the turkey. If nothing
explodes, you can go look at the pretty bubbles. I hear stories every
year of homes being burnt to the ground by people that heard of someone
else deep-frying a turkey and greatly underestimating the magnitude of
the task.
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