Re: my blood PH levels?
On Wed, 03 Aug 2005 07:50:57 GMT, :
>"[NT]Cargohldrs" <> wrote in message
>> Nominal PH levels:
>> Human blood
>> 7.35 - 7.45
>> Human saliva
>> 6.3 - 6.6
>> My PH Levels:
>> 8.02.05. 12:26a.m.
>> B: 7.9 - 8
>> S: 6.9 - 7.1
>> i'm an 18 year old caucasian male; vegan diet; depressive tendencies. are my
>> rather deviant PH levels something i should be worried about? are there
>> typical things which cause over-alkaline PH levels in the body?
>> Thnks,
>> Cargo
Being vegan your diet is high in vitamins, minerals , micronutrients and alkaline
producing foods, you wont fall within the norms of the averageAmerican, because of your
clean diet which is low in acid producing foods.
Being alkaline is much better than being acidic, It indicates you are storing up all the
essential micronutrients that get washed and used up by those with a poor diet
you should be very happy with your test results
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