Re: my blood PH levels?
"[NT]Cargohldrs" <> wrote in message
> Nominal PH levels:
> Human blood
> 7.35 - 7.45
> Human saliva
> 6.3 - 6.6
> My PH Levels:
> 8.02.05. 12:26a.m.
> B: 7.9 - 8
> S: 6.9 - 7.1
> i'm an 18 year old caucasian male; vegan diet; depressive tendencies. are my
> rather deviant PH levels something i should be worried about? are there
> typical things which cause over-alkaline PH levels in the body?
> Thnks,
> Cargo
Is your diet high in sodium? If you eat a lot of processed
and/or junk food, that could easily account for it.
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