On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 16:53:18 -0400, Kevin Gowen
<kgowenNOSPAM@myfastmail.com> brought down from the Mount tablets

>John W. wrote:
>> Michael Cash <mikecash@buggerallspammers.com> wrote in message news:<vuu8i01vueeshg8j4p19ghad1f7vd5khh5@4ax.com>...
>>>I wonder if anyone would like to speculate, based on their perceptions
>>>of pre-rehab Rush, the nature of his comments on New Jersey Governor
>>>McGreevey announcing that he is gay.
>> Since the guy was a republican I'd say Rush was torn, but leaned
>> towards saying the man's sexuality shouldn't be a big issue, instead
>> saying it's a Democratic plot of some sort. Aren't the Dems
>> (predictably, as they should be expected to do) clammoring for
>> McGreevey's resignation now in hopes of putting their own guy in the
>> office? I imagine Rush would rather have a Gay man who cheated on his
>> wife -- but is Republican -- in office than a Democrat.
>Who is "the guy"? Jim McGreevey is a Democrat, so he is already the Dems 
>"own guy".

A portion of the first hour transcript from last Friday:

I was telling Mr. Snerdley this morning, it was I guess 2:40 yesterday
afternoon when I first saw that McGreevey was resigning and that's all
I saw and that's all I knew. And at that point I didn't have any idea
what it was about. I thought it was about the fund-raising scandal and
the prostitutes and so forth that had been brewing around. And I
thought he was resigning maybe to quell any controversy stemming from
It wasn't until later in the afternoon that I learned what we all know
now, that he has come out, that he is a gay American. By the way, I
want to announce my truth today, ladies and gentlemen, that is I am a
football fan American. We're going to have these different kinds of
Americans, I'm a football fan American, Jim McGreevey came out and
says he's a gay American. And there are some today who are claiming
that he's a hero, the media, particularly in the northeast. In fact,
last night on WNBC Channel 4 in New York, some local politician said
that he's the Jackie Robinson of gay politics, and there's another
piece here in the LA Times -- not the LA Times, I forgot, so many
things here, but referring to him as the Rosa Parks of gay politics.
But when I saw what this was all about, I'll share something with you.
A year ago, I would have been poking fun, I would have been laughing
along with everybody else about this, about the personal aspects, the
personal impact. I would have been in here and I would have been
trying to come up with the funniest things I could have thought to get
in on the obvious fun of this. But that would have been a year ago. 

Today, I have a different perspective on McGreevey. And as I was
telling Mr. Snerdley early this morning, when I saw what actually
happened here and I saw without listening. I didn't hear it at first,
but I watched some of the press conference and we've got audio sound
bites from it with his wife standing next to him, and knowing he's got
two little girls, one of them is one year old. The first emotion I
felt was sympathy. I felt sorry for the guy. Because he's been living
a lie. 
He's not been who Jim McGreevey really is. He's been living two lives
and he's been lying about both sides. Well, I don't know lying about
both sides, but he's been lying to somebody about who he is, and it's
stressful. It's probably oriented in trying to make as many people
happy as he could. That was probably his objective, and instead of
doing that, he was denying who he really is to a lot of people in his
life, and to a lot of people who voted for him. And whatever political
intrigue is involved here, the thing I know is that Jim McGreevey
personally as a human being has a real tough road to hoe. I don't care
how he comes across on television. I'm sure that last night was very
liberating for him. I mean, this is his first step, if you will, to
being who he is and being open and honest with himself about who he
is. It's no accident, ladies and gentlemen, that he used the word
"truth" in describing something, "My truth is I'm a gay American."
He's been denying who he is his. Well, I don't know for how long, but
for much of his life, and it's difficult, it is hard, it is
debilitating, it's false, it's phony, and it's unhealthy. 

Whoever you are, you have to be who you are. And a lot of people are
not able to be who they really are because they're consumed with
trying to make other people happy or trying to make other people avoid
pain so they take all of that on themselves. McGreevey was no doubt
doing this, and there was something that was a catalyst for this.
Whether it was his own decision to do this or whether it was external
forces, which I happen to think that gets into the political intrigue,
the simple fact of the matter is that something happened here to force
him to face his reality, and he's doing it. Last night, I know his
wife was standing side by side and I know his ex-wife, both of his
wives are as supportive as they can be, publicly, but regardless just
as a human being and as a man, this is devastating for Jim McGreevey.
He may think at the moment that his career has got salvageable aspects
to it, and it may. I'm not saying it doesn't. It probably does. But at
this moment I don't care what public face he's putting on, he's
devastated right now, and I can't help but just feel empathy and
actual sympathy for him for all of this because it's not an easy thing
to do. It's not a easy way to have lived, and it's a blessing to him
that this has happened. For himself personally, for his life, for his
future, this is a blessing that this has happened. There are going to
be a lot of people that are going to try to join him and use him for
their own gain. There will be a lot of people that will go against him
to try to use him for their own gain, but in the middle of all that is
Jim McGreevey who's got to live his life and try to find some sort of
happiness and contentment in it and it is not going to be easy no
matter what public face he puts forward. 

So I'm just honest with you here. This would not have been my take a
year ago and I'm glad that it is my take today, especially when you
look at his two little girls. I mean, you cannot help but feel sorry
for them as well, or have feelings for them. The youngest one is
one-year-old, and this is something that they're going to have to now
deal with because of his actions, and don't think that's not weighing
on him, either. You know, for all of the political ramifications, for
all of his career, the personal life aspects of this cannot be easy,
but he's, for whatever reason, is here taking the first step toward
setting it all straight. And I want to be one to wish him well in his
personal quest here to make this a positive and liberating an event as
it can be. 


Yeah....good ole Rush at his homophobic, Democrat-bashing,
hate-mongering best......


Michael Cash

"I am sorry, Mr. Cash, but we are unable to accept your rap sheet in lieu of
a high school transcript."

                                Dr. Howard Sprague
                                Dean of Admissions
                                Mount Pilot College