Scripsit illud Disaster <>:
> > Does your dad know that you download hentai? With that gratuitous
> > amount, it'd be hard keeping it a secret.
> Oh hardly, hide a folder in windows. Dad's rarly know what a hidden folder
> is yet alone go looking through windows system folders to find hidden
> hentai.

C:\RECYCLED\ is a good place for such a folder. It's complicated, but it
can be done.

1. go to this folder in DOS and rename the DESKTOP.INI
2. do in it what you want (create a folder or whatever). You could even
   share it and give it an alias like \\MYCOMPUTER\HENTAI$ this way.
3. rename the file back

Using Windows-only tools, it's impossible to see such a folder as long
as the desktop.ini is there. Remotely \\MYCOMPUTER\HENTAI$ can be
blocked by setting a password for the share, locally it cannot (but who
gets the idea to try to access a local network share this way?). The
folder now invisible to the explorer (even if you enter a sub-sub-folder
of C:\RECYCLED into the address bar) - especially to the file search
function. If one didn't create this share, it's completely invisible.
If you use a personal firewall and disable network share access from
anywhere except the local host, it's virtually impossible to find the
folder without knowing this trick. Of course, emptying the trash does
*not* delete the folder or its contents...

Just another Windows bug... I found this one on my own (did not read it
anywhere) and used it to prevent classmates and teachers from finding
and/or deleting my files. I've yet to see a better built-in
file/directory protection in Win9x and WinME (I did not try it on

[mpg123d] Just playing: .../albums/shamrock/11 lullaby -agetai-.mp3

Can't find string terminator "EOF" anywhere before EOF at ./autoindex line 27.