>Subject: (OT) ARGH!!!
>From: zeruel333@aol.comanimefan  (Zeruel333 The Hentai One)
>Date: 9/23/02 2:57 PM Pacific Daylight Time
>Message-id: <20020923175758.22837.00000190@mb-fb.aol.com>
>My dog fucking stinks like hell!! He keeps sitting around me near the
>with his stinky self! He smells like dead fish that has been shit on! I wish
>dad would either give that bastard a bath or take him to the vet; he stinks
>horribly!! And he leaves an after smell on his stupid bed which is right near
>the computer!
>*goes back to eating his ice cream and downloading hentai*

Does your dad know that you download hentai? With that gratuitous amount, it'd
be hard keeping it a secret.

-Fill my heart with song
 And let me sing forever more...
