Scripsit illa aut ille Disaster <>:
> "Rudolf Polzer" <> wrote:
> > There is no correct quoting of top postings except completely
> > snipping the quotation - this works as long as one is not referring
> > to it.
> Rei 19: Actually if you are very careful you can realign the while
> thing after moving the line.

Only automatically using gqap. It works if and only if the poster uses
empty lines for separating paragraphs - which Disaster does.

I already moved part of a top posting to the top (and snipped the rest)
and the answer was that I was destroying the context - of course the
answer was also a top posting.

#!/usr/bin/perl -- Forget the express prospect!#Which was the original text?
use LWP'Simple;use URI'Escape;print"e> ";<STDIN>=~/(.*)/;for(en_de=>'de_en')
.uri_escape$1)=~/(?:d bgcolor=white|q")>(.*?)</s;print"$1 - (c)babelfish\n"}