Re: Rei Ayanami
"Rudolf Polzer" <> wrote:
> Scripsit illa aut ille Chris <>:
> > rei
> >
> >
> IIRC Zeruel wanted this information via mail, not in the NG... or what
> does "give me" contrary to "give us" mean?
> But I'm wondering why Zeruel asked for this information. That you want
> to see Rei was clear from the Subject line and your mail address was in
> your From: header. Probably he wanted to test if you're able to send
> mail... but never mind.
He's probably bragging!
> > "Zeruel333 The Hentai One" <zeruel333@aol.comanimefan> wrote:
> > > >ok...send me some
> > >
> > > give me your email address and character you want to see in 'action'
> > I'll
> > > send you a couple doujins
> > > ---
> > > Zeruel, who uses the fingers of his giant robot to squash people.
> > I
> > > think it's st-*SMISH*
> The words "I'll" and "I" were not by you, so put a > in front of them.
> That's not your fault, it's Microsoft's - but that does not mean it's OK
> then, especially because there's help against this. Set the line width
> to 132 (or whatever the maximum value is), use a fixed width font
> (Lucida Console for example, Courier would do, too, but it hurts the
> eyes) and wrap manually at somewhere between 70 and 80 characters
> (ideally 74). Sorry, without additional tools there's no other way to
> prevent this bug.
Ignore this everyone! It's not JAE policy to screw around with these
settings, they are your own choice.
> But even worse than that is your top posting. Please post under the
> part you are referring to and snip the rest.
Oh like you can talk! This very post has you commiting that very fraud!
Look above, See the ID tag for Zeruel. You've got text over that, this is
a primary example of top posting.
Kind regards
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