On Fri, 11 Jun 2004 20:25:37 +0900, Ernest Schaal
<eschaal@max.hi-ho.ne.jp> wrote:
>> Your world is always like the one of superiors and subordinates. Pathetic
>> communist. That's how communists always are.
>> You may get a lecture from YOUR SUPERIOR of Matt OUTLAND sometime, for your
>> improvement.

>Your posting shows what I meant about your messages not containing rational
>sentences. Your comments are so off-base for me to wonder about your sanity,
>or at least your understanding of simple concepts. 

As distasteful as his eptithet-filled, non sequitur-loaded,
semi-coherent racist ramblings are I do feel sorry for this Kaz. I
doubt anyone likes him, Japanese or otherwise and he must be a very
lonely guy. As I said before in not so many words, I think this act is
all a cry for help.