"Ernest Schaal" <eschaal@max.hi-ho.ne.jp> wrote in message
> in article ca06qf$pm4$1@nwall1.odn.ne.jp, a jap at jap@japland.com wrote
> 6/7/04 7:44 AM:
> >> Kaz, it is not racist to point out your racism, nor is it racist to
fail to
> >> believe the ultra-nationalist propaganda that you accept as dogma.
> >>
> >> I am sorry your life is such a mess that you have to sort to racism to
> >> achieve any sense of self-worth. But then, I can understand by all
> >> snotty Tokyoites won't associate with you. It has nothing to do with
> >> being from Osaka, and has everything to do with your losing
> >
> > Stop harassing japs and other coloreds, asshole.
> It is not "harassing japs and other coloreds" to point out how pathetic
> life has become, a loser whose sole interest is striking out against his
> betters, whether they be Caucasians or other Asians.

Do you really think those Usent freaks are the "betters"?
If so, first, you should see the reality how those people actually are.
I think they are more like losers.