John W. wrote:

> Declan Murphy wrote:

>> For every "can you recommend someone in Dallas/Seattle/Dogpatch" I get 
>> at least a dozen for Hyderabad or Bangalore. Are you tempted?
> I am. Anywhere, just about anything, but particularly tech-related.

If you are willing to put up with living in India, Americans can make a 
relatively good living there. Of course, I had real problems with the 
idea of filling my fresh water tank to the brim during the hour a day I 
was allowed to get drinking water from the city supply, driving 7 
vehicles wide on three lane roads, and covering all my food with fiery 
spice so that no one could determine its actual condition. The people 
are fine, but it will be many years before they have upgraded their 
living environment to the point I could tolerate it on any long term basis.

Just think: after my last trip to Mumbai, I welcomed the three day 
stop-over in the wide open, uncongested city of Tokyo.