Tecra 720CDT - How to replace 95 with 98SE winth only cdrom - no floppy -
Hi All, I've got a Toshiba Tecra 720CDT, it currently has Win95 loaded but
would like to upgrade it to Win98SE.
I have somehow misplaced the floppy drive which on this model was external.
The Tecra has a CDROM and if I needed a floppy drive I would just connect to
the LAN and use the floppy on the network.
So... here is my problem, this model boots from either the hard drive or the
floppy not the CDROM.
The hard drive is a tiny 1.2 gig and has been partitioned into 250mb
When I try to install 98SE via the CDROM it starts but eventually WIN tells
me there is not enough space to install 98SE.
I've tried clearing out 95 but since it is the boot drive its protected and
Win will not allow it.
So... I'm stuck, I'm thinking there must be software switches in WIN to let
me get around it but am not sure of any.
Ideally if there was a bios upgrade that would allow me the option of
booting up from the CDROM then problem solved.
I realize the easiest solution is to find the floppy or find another one but
I was hoping to find another way.
Is there someway to fool the Tecra into believing the the network floppy is
local ?
All this work is to be able to use a PCMCIA wireless card, which requires
98SE and above, otherwise 95 works just fine on the Tecra.
Thanks to all for any help.
Have a great day !!
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