Re: Why do chinks hate japs and not brits?
On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 13:41:58 GMT, "FreddieN" <>
>No smell is worse than any chinese food store. You know, that smell of some
>50 year old fermented crap in those big jugs.
>Not only do chinks stink to Caucasians, they stink to other Asians as well.
>Why don't you monkeys become civilized and learn about personal hygene?
"hygene"? You should spend more time with your language studies and
less with the racist drivel. After all, being literate is as key a
component of being civilized as being hygienic is.
>In Iraq we are trying to establiosh te basis of a democratic non-islamic
>We aren't "threatening" Iran.
>I assume you mean "threatening" like China does to Taiwan, with a missle
>and invasion.
>Do you ever read the newspapers?
Have you ever read an English textbook?
>There is nothing primitive about English. In fact, Chinese is crap as a
>because it can never be pronounced or understood by someone who has never
>seen it before.
So while you're ripping the "Chinks" a new one what's your excuse for
being barely literate in English?
I hate when this horseshit gets cross-posted to FJLIJ
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