On Wed, 20 Jan 2010 22:36:26 GMT, Manlio <noemail@news.org> wrote:

>Followup  to  msg on Wed, 20 Jan 2010 17:26:47 -0500, "Joan F \(MI\)"
><jjfahl@removethisameritech.net> :
> (Original msg on bottom)
>Yes, you're probably right .. I have also thought could be a real
>hardware problem ... I will do another couple of attempts and after I
>will only the chance to give a physical look ! Thanks for the support
>.. it's nice to have someone paticipating your trouble.
>Manlio (from Italy)
>>Would suspect the sound card--which probably is part of the MOBO since they 
>>tend to pack everything together in laptops.  Could just be a loose contact 
>>that is only making partial contact.  Laptops are a pain to get into.  Good 
My old S-1135 seems to be developing USB (pwr load?) issues, that slows the
whole Laptop down if I leave a USB pen drive in place for hours. So you could
be developing weak hardware.
If you have not tried. Get a copy of Sysinternals "Process Explorer" from
Microsoft.com and see what is running (also shows traffic).
A badly behave Anti-virus may be your issue.