Re: Stuttering audio
Would suspect the sound card--which probably is part of the MOBO since they
tend to pack everything together in laptops. Could just be a loose contact
that is only making partial contact. Laptops are a pain to get into. Good
Manlio wrote:
| Followup to msg on Wed, 20 Jan 2010 15:28:44 -0500, "Joan F \(MI\)"
| <> :
| (Original msg on bottom)
| I am sorry, I forgot to write I have also followed the issues about
| the Latency and the CPU/ Memory .. there are no problems at all from
| these aspects. The figures are extremely conservative. The cause must
| be another one. Thanks for the answer. BTW the sound has been always
| excellent before the USB problems. In a couple of minutes everything
| is changed and I have been at least three days on that matter with a
| good computer knowledge. I hope only to find someone had the same
| trouble and tell me the stupid thing has happened.
| Thanks again
| Manlio
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