On 09/07/2014 01:16 AM, mtfester@netMAPSONscape.net wrote:
> gtr <xxx@yyy.zzz> wrote:
>> On 2014-09-05 04:12:37 +0000, mtfester@netMAPSONscape.net said:
>>> gtr <xxx@yyy.zzz> wrote:
>>>> Every year from 2001 to 2006 the wife and I went to Japan for 2-3.
>>>> Usually to different places (except for Tokyo, our point of entry).  We
>>>> went to Osaka a couple of times and Kyoto twice.  From Nagasaki to
>>>> Morioka, with some little onsen towns like Yudanaka, and any number of
>>>> smaller places like Shiraishi Island, Tonno, Ayu-Wakamatsu, Matsue.
>>>> What fun.
>>>> Then financial circumstances, including the disparity between dollar
>>>> and yen precluded it almost 8 years.  Now we're going back.  This time
>>>> for six weeks.  We'd never been to Kanazawa, so we're going there.
>>>> Spending 10 days in Kyoto during which time we'll do a number of
>>>> day-trips. But we still have a few weeks to fill on the dance card,
>>>> roughly between Kobe and the Izu Peninsula.
>>>> When we finish in Kyoto and before we leave from Tokyo, we have about
>>>> 10 days.  So we were thinking about staying 2 or 3 places along the way
>>>> back.  Maybe Koya-san.  Izu Peninsula.  Nagoya sounds too big after
>>>> Kyoto.  Perhaps snooping through Shizuoka.
>>>> Any recommendations for interesting but somewhat out-of-the-way places,
>>>> generally in that part of the country?
>>> Nikko? Shikoku? Sapporo? Nagasaki?
>> Well those are certainly out of the way.
>> Shikoku we've been to but not in the full-press temple-crawl.  As Nancy
>> once said, "I can only look at so many churches."
> I was thinking of western Shikoku; you could go snorkeling among the
> coral reefs.
>    Sapporo was on our
>> list early this time, I've always wanted bragging rights on having been
>> to Hokkaido, but dang it's a long haul there and then another long haul
>> to get *back* from there.

There is a car ferry from Oarai that takes a day and a half to Tomakomai.

>> But I really meant in the last days days somewhere in the semi-coastal
>> area between Kyoto and Tokyo; generally in *that* part of the country.
> Nikko? Izu peninnsula.

Chuzenji in the middle of Izu?

Drive to Chofu and fly to the Izu islands or the Ogasawaras from Chofu 
airport?  You can also take the ferry from Hinode Pier in Tokyo.

If you're farther south, lots of 2~5 day cruises around the Seto Naikai 
islands with many stops along the way.  Piers at Osaka and Kobe, about 
an hour from Kyoto.

> Mike
