John W. wrote:
> On Apr 8, 10:07 am, Declan Murphy <> wrote:
>> Sepponia's prez ele*tion is getting closer, and yet the NG has been
>> remarkably quiet lately. Isn't Shan*on Ja@obs due for his annual drive
>> past posting?
> It's an unusual election. I'm in strong GW Bush country. In the last
> election most of my friends and coworkers were noisy and always
> debating the pros/cons of the candidates. Now even the staunchest
> Bushies can't wait for him to get out of office, though they fall
> short of admiting that he lied, and if I mention that he should be
> impeached for those lies (much like the last Prez who lied about a BJ;
> I mean, what guy doesn't understand the motivation behind that) they
> fall into a strange defense. On the other side, even the libs aren't
> that noisy. Everybody seems to be united behind the need for something
> different, but nobody's 100% certain who that will be, because the
> last time they were 100% certain they were wrong.

It does seem remarkably subdued (at least the emanations and ripples I 
get down here on the equator). My suspicion ... faced with the choice of 
electing a woman, a black, or a Republican, most Democrats aren't sure 
what to do. Everyone wants to say that it doesn't matter, but electing 
the first person that isn't a white male will be a tough decision for 
people to make.