Re: A certain approaching 選挙
On Apr 9, 10:35 am, Kevin Wayne Williams <kww.niho...@verizon.nut>
> John W. wrote:
> > On Apr 8, 10:07 am, Declan Murphy <> wrote:
> >> Sepponia's prez ele*tion is getting closer, and yet the NG has been
> >> remarkably quiet lately. Isn't Shan*on Ja@obs due for his annual drive
> >> past posting?
> > It's an unusual election. I'm in strong GW Bush country. In the last
> > election most of my friends and coworkers were noisy and always
> > debating the pros/cons of the candidates. Now even the staunchest
> > Bushies can't wait for him to get out of office, though they fall
> > short of admiting that he lied, and if I mention that he should be
> > impeached for those lies (much like the last Prez who lied about a BJ;
> > I mean, what guy doesn't understand the motivation behind that) they
> > fall into a strange defense. On the other side, even the libs aren't
> > that noisy. Everybody seems to be united behind the need for something
> > different, but nobody's 100% certain who that will be, because the
> > last time they were 100% certain they were wrong.
> It does seem remarkably subdued (at least the emanations and ripples I
> get down here on the equator). My suspicion ... faced with the choice of
> electing a woman, a black, or a Republican, most Democrats aren't sure
> what to do. Everyone wants to say that it doesn't matter, but electing
> the first person that isn't a white male will be a tough decision for
> people to make.
A lot of people are very republican at heart until something goes
wrong, then they seem to suddenly want the government to help them
Folks like McCain except for the whole war thing. A lot of people I
know just aren't sure if they like him or not because he supported
Bush throughout, although that is also something people admire (stuck
to his convictions). His age is also a factor. He's certainly the most
experienced, and a lot of people like that he's not so quick to bail
people out of the credit mess, taking a 'you got yourself into it'
approach. The economy is where most people are focusing these days; I
think most people believe we can see the light at the end of the Iraq
tunnel, but there's no end in sight to our little economic mess we've
created. There was a particularly scary article a week or so ago that
showed how we could, in theory, go from recession to depression
without much of a push; actual unemployment is much higher than the
government figures, and just about everybody has credit card debt;
something that my parent's generation would have been appalled to
admit to, it's now almost a badge of honor in lieu of a real badge of
honor, which I think is the biggest problem of all: life is so easy
it's hard.
John W.
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