On Mon, 24 Nov 2003 20:41:45 +0900, Scott Reynolds <sar@gol.com>

>Well, I was pretty mellow at around the 10-year mark. But then again 
>that was at the height of the bubble and I was making lots of money 
>without having to work very hard, my son was two years old and getting 
>cuter every day than the last, ... and my wife suddenly told me that she 
>hoped it would be possible that we could move to America for a few years 
>so that she could earn a PhD.

My boys are 11 and 9 now but we have a 13 month old little girl so I'm
getting to do the baby thing all over again which is wonderful. Plus I
had pretty much given up on the dream of having a daughter when she
happily came along. Financially speaking we could always use more
money although we're getting by pretty comfortably.

My wife is the one that really wants to go back to the USA at the
moment. We do both agree that the educational system there is alot
better for the children. I'm not the biggest fan of the Japanese
school system for whom I often work. My wife would go back to the
states in a FLASH if I managed to get a good job back home. I guess
I've just fallen in love with the much more laid back and relaxed
lifestyle of my employment here. I was never very much good at 9 to 5
gigs. There is the added problem of basically a 10 year gaping hole in
my resume for the time I've spent in Japan which is fairly irrelevant
to anything I might do back in New Jersey.