The 2-Belo <> wrote:
> We have a report from the Dynamics Officer that chuckers has
> exploded. Flight director confirms that:

> >He has also been complaining that the Japanese government isn't
> >including the number foreigners in its reports on the number of 
> >Japanese citizens currently living in Japan.  The mind boggles.

> If I didn't know this was Debito we're talking about, I would naturally assume
> you just meant "the number of *naturalized* foreigners", as opposed to the
> native-born, which would actually make some sense.

And would number, what? 12? 20?

> But I have a hunch you meant it just like you wrote it....

I vaguely remember reading something like in in Japan Times; I think he (Debito)
indeed mean it as it was read.
