Scott Reynolds wrote:

> I found that iTunes would not let me sign up at the Japanese site using 
> my Japanese address and a US-issued card. Japanese address and 
> Japan-issued card was fine.
> At the US site I had no luck at all, regardless of the card used. I 
> supposed that this was due to my Japanese address.

Dunno why there is all this anality about where the card is issued, etc.
Most Japanese sites I have used to buy things are happy to accept my
credits cards. I think it comes down to thinking outside the box. It
probably never occurs to people designing and building the systems that
non-Japanese people might actually want to buy things from them.

As for the US sites, well there are still some that insist on two-letter
state codes and reject 4-digit postal codes, regardless of the country
name you enter.

Jim Breen
Clayton School of Information Technology,
Monash University, VIC 3800, Australia