> Scott Reynolds <> wrote:
>> John W. wrote:
>>> Dumb question. If I have an iPod bought in the US, will I be able to
>>> download music from the Japanese iTunes in Japan when I go there next
>>> month?
>> If you already have an account set up at the US site you should be able 
>> to continue to use it from Japan. To use the Japanese site you need to 
>> have a "Japanese" credit card, which basically seems to mean a card 
>> issued by a Japanese bank with a Japanese billing address.
> Mostly true; my wife downloads from both the Japanese and American 
> sites, and the card is issued "in conjunction with" a Japanese 
> firm (ANA), but the billing address is here in the US.

Good to know. Maybe she's just luckier than I was. <g>

I found that iTunes would not let me sign up at the Japanese site using 
my Japanese address and a US-issued card. Japanese address and 
Japan-issued card was fine.

At the US site I had no luck at all, regardless of the card used. I 
supposed that this was due to my Japanese address.

I don't really mind in any case. You can still browse all the localized 
sites (but can only make purchases at one on which you are registered). 
And I only use my iTunes account to get album art, anyway.

Scott Reynolds