> Kevin  Gowen <> wrote:
>> On Mar 2, 12:42 pm, wrote:
>>> Kevin  Gowen <> wrote:
>>>> On Feb 29, 11:09 pm, CL <> wrote:
>>>>> Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>>>>> On Feb 28, 10:49 pm, wrote:
>>>>>>> CL <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> One of the great tragedies of our time is the large group who mistake a
>>>>>>>> degree for education and a having a diploma from a school of a
>>>>>>>> particular name for intelligence.
>>>>>>> L Frank Baum had a good line on the phenomenon.
>>>>>> Better than Winston Churchill's?
>>>>> Just about any comment by L Frank Baum is better than one from someone
>>>>> more famous.  But, his work is more classic American and must be viewed
>>>>> within the age in which he was writing.  Knowing / understanding the
>>>>> Populist and Progressive Movements, and Free Silver, are a big plus.
>>>> This is the Churchill line I had in mind:
>>>> "It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of
>>>> quotations." - Sir Winston Churchill, My Early Life, 1930.
>>> Fascinating. What did he say about reading the work from which the
>>> quotation was derived, or did you not make it that far in your book
>>> of Churchill quotes?
>> You are comedy kryptonite.
> Thanks; allow me to point out that you are to intellectual discourse what 
> squirrels are to quantum physics.

