Kevin  Gowen <> wrote:
> On Feb 28, 9:19 am, wrote:
> > Kevin  Gowen <> wrote:
> >
> > > The military is a good place for directionless white trash who think
> > > that HONOR and VALOR and EMPTY BUZZWORDS flow from a contract with the
> > > government. If you think someone's willingness to kill whomever they
> > > are told is a moral good, the military might be a good place for you!
> >
> > Actually, I've always thought that military service  should have been a
> > requirement to be elected to Congress or the Presidency/ After all, if
> > one makes decisions about people going to war, one should have some
> > experience with the organization leading the war.

> The President and Congress also approve budgets and make policy about
> myriad matters such as energy, education, labor, the economy, and
> others. What compulsory experience should we have in those areas?

Perhaps your part of the country doesn't have any experience with labor,
or economics, much less require an education, but we have all those
out here on the West Coast.

Also, typically, none of these issues traditionally revolves around
sending other people's sons off to die on foreign soil.

Just a heads up, in case you ever DO encounter labor, or an education.
