Kevin Gowen wrote:
> On Mar 1, 12:42 am, CL <> wrote:
>> Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>> On Feb 29, 10:38 pm, CL <> wrote:
>>>> Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>>>> I think it is my social class and age that keeps me from being
>>>>> drafted.
>>>> So, now I'm with the invalids,
>>>> And cannot go and fight, sir!
>>>> The doctor told me so, you know,
>>>> Of course it must be right, sir!
>>>> (the Invalids March, 1863)
>>>> BTW, they take healthy ones up to age 65 now, you know.  One of the
>>>> benefits of the Rummy Years.
>>> As I said, my social class. There were substitutes in 1863, so I see
>>> no reason why we can't have them in 2008.
>> So, despite posting from a southern state (albeit, one filled with
>> Yankee Scum to a level worse than Godless Atlanta), you do not subscribe
>> to the southern gentleman's view of social class responsibility and
>> military officership?  A southern lawyer without The Citadel, Duke ROTC,
>> ROTC in a state university, or one of the military academies listed in
>> his resume?  What would John Grisham make of that?
>> So that makes you ... a carpetbagger?
> I suppose. I don't have much time to pretend that it's still 1862. I
> leave that to the civil war re-enactors.

Great evasion.  You'd have an excellent second career teaching verbal 
escape techniques.  Maybe a book and a speaking tour ...

>> Interestingly enough, there are a number of major legal and business
>> corporations in which that would be considered adequate justification to
>> not hire or not promote.
> What part do you find to be the most interesting?

The response.
