Re: Tired of Nihon.
Declan Murphy wrote:
> Paid sick leave isn't mandatory? In Australia at least, it is normal
> for an employee to receive a percentage (75% or so) of unused sick
> leave when they leave the company or organisation.
News to me. I left 3 organizations (government, private, university)
and never got a cent from unused sick leave.
I just Googled it a bit, and I see on the Qld govt's "Wageline" page:
"Normally an employer is not required to pay out accumulated sick leave
entitlements to an employee on termination of employment. However there
are a small number of awards and agreements where such an entitlement
(In government employment there used to be tricks like getting a tame
doctor to say you are too ill to work exactly the same amount of
time before you are due to retire as you had accumulated sick leave.)
Jim Breen
Clayton School of Information Technology,
Monash University, VIC 3800, Australia
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