Re: Tired of Nihon.
On Dec 3, 3:14 pm, Jim Breen <> wrote:
> Declan Murphy wrote:
> > Paid sick leave isn't mandatory? In Australia at least, it is normal
> > for an employee to receive a percentage (75% or so) of unused sick
> > leave when they leave the company or organisation.
> News to me. I left 3 organizations (government, private, university)
> and never got a cent from unused sick leave.
> I just Googled it a bit, and I see on the Qld govt's "Wageline" page:
> "Normally an employer is not required to pay out accumulated sick leave
> entitlements to an employee on termination of employment. However there
> are a small number of awards and agreements where such an entitlement
> exists."
> (In government employment there used to be tricks like getting a tame
> doctor to say you are too ill to work exactly the same amount of
> time before you are due to retire as you had accumulated sick leave.)
"Sorry, boss. The mere idea of not working here anymore makes me so
depressed I cannot come to work tomorrow. Oh, and the next 3 weeks
Rafael Caetano
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