> On May 29, 7:33 pm, CL <> wrote:
>> The one universal truth about lawyers seems to be that if the sun is
>> shining where they are, they just cannot comprehend that it might be the
>> middle of the night where you are.  I used to think that California
>> lawyers were the worst but European lawyers, the Swiss in particular,
>> can stand toe-to-toe with the most clueless of the US ones.
> Actually, when I was practicing law in the States, if we called
> someone, we did so at a time that was semi-convenient to both of us,
> even if that meant coming early or leaving late. Since we didn't like
> coming in early or staying late, we tried to handle things by email or
> fax.

How come all of you guys go to school for something like 20 years and 
end up just practicing?  I have a lowly MBA, but I had to turn pro or go 

> What kind of lawyers were you dealing with that would be so clueless?

Most of them, actually.  We provide a fairly wide range of services to 
the legal community which cover many types of cases and practice.  The 
ones who seem to be the most impervious to reality are those with major 
corporations as clients and who want to show they are in total control 
of the situation ... usually one of the senior associates coming up for 
promotion, and not the lead counsel.  But, there are a lot of lawyers in 
small or solo practice who are eager to defend their turf and can be 
just as bad or worse.