Re: working holiday visa
Declan Murphy wrote:
> On May 17, 8:22 am, Jim Breen <> wrote:
>> Declan Murphy wrote:
>>> Ever since I added the "not helpful" file to my site, I get bugger all
>>> requests for that kind of crap. Try something similar?
>> My page at:
>> has cut down requests mightily too.
> And yours is actually helpful :-) I might add a bit about spelling,
> punctuation etc too. At the moment what is really pissing me off
> though is people calling me using Skype etc.
As soon as I set Skype to only accept calls from people on my calling
list things got a lot quieter. No more drunk Estonian teenagers at 0400
in the morning.
Now I keep getting those extended ads from Chinese vendors of nearly
everything that are addressed to about 4,000 people as a "discussion
group." I'm not certain whether leaving the discussion is something
that gets recorded by a 'bot like in the old days when they'd know if
you'd erased an e-mail without responding.
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <>
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