"Disaster" <disaster@disfanfic.net> wrote in message news:<ufho3c9i1aq41a@corp.supernews.com>...
> Listen hard dense head, it had a number of outcomes, the one that Shinji
> choose was one of them! 

Prove it. We aren't given that much information on Instrumentality.
What we do know is that it is a unification of humanity through the
loss of AT fields. When AT fields begin to return, it won't be a
unification of humanity any more, will it?

All entities won't be joined, as there will be individual life again.
Instrumentality by its definition won't exist.

Something similar may exist, but as long as there are AT fields, there
exists pain, and the Instrumentality is no more.

>Not the only one, but the only one chosen. It's not something that
you start and stop it got started, everyone entered Lilith as a part
of the process.

Well, they all had their AT fields popped suddenly, causing their
bodies to liquify from the sudden burst. Then their souls were drawn
into Lillith/Adam.

> Then Shinji went through mental hell as a part of the process then he made a choice as the conclusion of the initial process. Everything after that is determined by his choice.

Yes. And his choice was to let there be people again.

> As they are both on the beech at the end it seems possible that they were
> both excluded.

I did not say that they weren't excluded. I just said that there is no
conclusive proof that Asuka was excluded from the process. I believe
otherwise, as a close look at the damage done to her EVA seems to
pretty much killed her before Instrumentality began in full. Her Entry
Plug would have been lanced.

Since she is alive at the end, it seems to me that she did what Shinji
is told is possible. She reformed her body from the LCL by imagining
herself. The two of them being on the beach together can be explained
as Asuka being the first to return to life.

Or maybe she managed to ride the whole thing out. We aren't sure. I
just have my opinion on the subject, and I feel that Asuka died, and
got better.

> This was discussed in great detail a little while ago. Where
> the hell were you?

Disaster, calm down. Just because I may not agree with you is no
reason to get snippy.
> You come back if you decide that you prefer your ATF to define you, yourself
> and keep all others at a distance. That is to say if you want to be yourself
> as an individual. As opposed to the unified soul that was created during
> Instrumentality.

Yes. I know. But the status quo for those who refuse to return to
physical form was never explained. I'm guessing that they will die, as
without Adam/Lillith to maintain the souls, they will go on to the
beyond unless they choice to incorporate.

But that's just a guess on my part. But since Shinji wants everything
to return to normal, and having the souls of everyone on Earth as a
lake isn't too normal, I think that something would have to happen to
the Sea of LCL.

Peter Svensson | http://www.comicboards.com/manga