On Mon, 21 Oct 2002 11:13:53 GMT, "chris" <rrufiange@cfl.rr.com>

>It's me again.
>Here goes.  She's 19, a college girl, she likes movies, music, cartoons,
>cooking, swimming, reading...
>She's getting me a christmas gift.
>I want to know some ideas for gifts I could get her.  Perhaps something
>traditional to China.  A gift that she can keep, something to let her know I
>thought about this, and that I am thinking about her.
>Please help.

Hi Chris,
I have a problem with gifts too.
While working in China I met a girl at the factory who was kinda sweet
on me.When I return in 3 weeks I would like to take a gift with me
from England (shes mad on England),but I dont know what to take,they
have so many things in China and a lot cheaper than England.Any ideas
on things not commonly found in China like chocolate,perfume etc.
She could probably do with the cash but that might be a little