Re: Dubya's political funeral (was Reagan's funeral)
On Wed, 30 Jun 2004 12:34:34 +0900, Ernest Schaal
<> wrote:
>The more I think about the stunt you just pulled, the angrier I get. I
>realized that are not the most honest person in the newsgroup, but I didn't
>realize that you were THAT bad.
>You accuse me of continuing to banter on and opine ad infinitum, but you
>were the one continuing to banter on, based upon a message I written days
>before, and which you had already responded to days before. Until you pulled
>that stunt, I had not posted ANY message on this thread from the time I
>posted my message agreeing to disagree. I had not even posted ANY message to
>this newsgroup during that period.
>I didn't expect you to stop posting in response to Mike, but I did expect
>that you would have some sense of honor. Boy was I wrong on that.
>Did you really expect me not to get upset when you posted your little tirade
>against me?
>Have you no honor? Have you no shame?
Did you see my other post? I think it was just a simple
misunderstanding. Let's put the truce back into effect, OK?
/me changes the subject:
How's the weather by you? Down here in Shikoku it is SO hot and humid
today that I am practically melting in front of the computer here. I
am trying to go as long as I can without putting on the A/C but I
don't think I'm going to make it much longer.
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