Re: Burger King returns
Paul Blay wrote:
> "John W." <> wrote ...
>> I saw an article (probably in Mainichi online, so apply grains of salt
>> as needed) a couple of years ago that said the expanding bust line is
>> the result of the worsening diet. So I don't see why fast food is all
>> that bad.
> One word. "moobs".
> Seriously(?) my aesthetic sense doesn't have "fat girl + large breasts"
> >= "non-fat girl + non-large breasts".
> In fact it doesn't have a whole lot to say on "large breasts" vs.
> "non-large breasts".
> in the first place.
Q: How do you make a two-pound sack of fat more attractive?
A: Put a nipple and aureole on it.
BTW, the article I read didn't talk about size as much as the fact that
girls were getting them sooner, allegedly due to the increase in the
hormone levels in beef.
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