Re: Burger King returns
B Anderson wrote:
> Dave Fossett wrote:
>> Apparently Burger King will return to Japan with the opening of the
>> first branch in Tokyo next summer. This time, it will be managed by
>> Lotte (of all people), with 100 branches due to open in the next five
>> years.
>> Lotte is also behind the arrival of Krispy Kreme doughnuts in Tokyo.
> I am suprised that Japanese people aren't more fat, considering the huge
> amounts of high-calorie foods on offer on every street corner.
What makes you think they're thin? The change in diet has produced a
generation of much taller children over the past couple of decades.
Maybe fat comes next. Or fat is a subset of tall, or only partially
inclusive, or ... or ... damn, now I need to study Venn diagrams again.
I usually travel around by motorcycle, but when I take the train I
notice that the Buffarilla* Index seems a lot higher than when I first
lived here multiple years gone by and traveled everywhere by train.
(Buffarilla = "big as a buffalo; ugly as a gorilla" or "smells like a
buffalo; temperament of a gorilla" depending on which branch of the US
military you were a member of).
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